MG Princess WhatsApp APK v Download for Android


Download MG Princess WhatsApp APK for girls, featuring unique pink themes, built-in proxy, privacy enhancements, auto-reply, and status downloader.
4.8/5 Votes: 89,895
Al-Annabi Team
June 13, 2024
58 MB

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MG Princess WhatsApp APK, often referred to as Pink MG WhatsApp, is a specialized version of WhatsApp designed particularly for girls. This modded version offers a range of unique features that set it apart from the standard WhatsApp application. With its exclusive themes, privacy options, and user-friendly interface, MG Princess WhatsApp is an appealing choice for users looking for a personalized messaging experience.

Key Features of Pink MG WhatsApp

Peerless Layouts

MG Princess WhatsApp is renowned for its distinctive layouts and themes. Crafted with a feminine touch, this version boasts various flowery themes predominantly in pink hues. Additionally, the application includes built-in theme extensions, enabling users to download a plethora of themes directly from within the app. Both Pink WhatsApp and OB2 WhatsApp come with a Pink UI, enhancing the aesthetic appeal for users who prefer a vibrant, floral interface.

Built-in Proxy

One of the standout features of MG Princess WhatsApp is its built-in proxy. This is particularly useful for users in regions where the official WhatsApp is banned. With this proxy feature, users can install and use MG WhatsApp Princess without any restrictions, ensuring uninterrupted messaging. Previous versions of MG3 WhatsApp faced issues with the proxy not working in certain areas, but these problems have been resolved in the latest update.

Avatar and Voice Status Story

MG Princess WhatsApp keeps pace with the latest advancements introduced in the official WhatsApp. The newest version includes features like Avatar creation and voice status updates, ensuring that users do not miss out on any modern functionalities. This integration of new features maintains the app’s relevance and appeal among its users.

Privacy Features

Privacy is a critical aspect of any messaging app, and MG Princess WhatsApp excels in this domain. Along with its Barbie-like aesthetic, it provides robust privacy options through modded features that ensure users’ data and online activities remain secure. Here are some of the unique privacy features offered:

Turn Your Blue Ticks Off

This feature allows users to read messages without notifying the sender. When enabled, even after reading a message, the sender will not see the blue ticks, giving the impression that the user is offline.

Auto Reply Services

Ideal for business accounts, the auto-reply service allows users to set up template messages that automatically respond to incoming texts. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining engagement with clients without the need for constant manual responses.

Status and Stories

MG Princess WhatsApp offers various ways to download statuses and stories from other users. Additionally, it includes a unique feature where users can view someone’s status without the person being aware of it. By pressing an “eye button” on the status screen, users can mark the status as unseen, even after viewing it.


MG Princess WhatsApp stands out as a unique and feature-rich alternative to the standard WhatsApp application. With its specially designed themes, built-in proxy for unrestricted usage, advanced privacy options, and the latest WhatsApp features, it offers a comprehensive and enjoyable messaging experience. Whether for personal use or managing a business account, MG Princess WhatsApp provides tools and functionalities that cater to a wide range of user needs, making it a valuable addition to the realm of messaging apps.

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