Perennials for Shade That Bloom All Summer

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If you’re looking for shade-loving plants that bloom all summer long, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for an annual geranium or a perennial one, your garden has plenty of choices. Geraniums are perennial plants that bloom throughout the summer, turning red and bronze in the fall. A great choice for shade is the true geranium “Rozanne,” which is available at Burpee and has 20-inch blue blooms. Another variety that blooms all summer is the Cranesbill.


Heuchera for shade is a great plant to add color and interest to a partially shaded yard. Many varieties bloom throughout the summer and are deer-resistant. They also have lovely foliage and can complement ferns and hostas. Its foliage is attractive all year long, and its flowers add a splash of color to any landscape.


Heucheras are prize-winning plants with gorgeous copper foliage and scalloped edges. Hummingbirds also prize these plants. They also have beautiful coral bell flowers and scalloped edges.

Toad lily

Toad lilies are one of the best choices when it comes to flowering plants for shade. They thrive in slightly acidic soil and need adequate moisture to bloom well. Though toad lilies are hardy plants, they need a bit of care to prevent damage from slugs and snails. They should also be watered at the base of the plant rather than directly onto the leaves to avoid damage.

The flowers on the toad lilies are tiny and covered in purple spots. They bloom late in the summer and early fall. They have six petals and a long stem. Their blooms look similar to orchids, but they do not require deadheading.


When geraniums are grown in the shade, their vigour will be reduced, but they can be a beautiful addition to the garden. A variety called ‘Smoky Purple’ is ideal for shady gardens and can bloom throughout the summer. Its flowers are bright magenta with a contrasting burgundy center. This geranium has a clumping habit and upright stems and is a lovely ground cover.


Geraniums grow best in temperatures of 50degF (11degC) and 60degF (10degC) but will survive in colder areas if kept relatively dry. To keep these plants looking their best, prune them back in spring when new growth emerges.


Ferns are a great choice for shade gardens. They thrive in part or full shade and need good soil and water. The leaves are evergreen and glossy. Ferns also need protection from the afternoon sun and are easy to divide in spring or fall. Underground runners also spread ferns, which can be useful as a ground cover. However, they are not good choices for formal plantings.

Ferns provide excellent texture to a garden and make excellent companions for vibrant blooming plants. They have many different types of ornamental patterns and colors. Some are white, while others are dark or bluish. Ferns need moist soil to thrive but are also tolerant of light shade.

Siberian bugloss

Siberian bugloss is a beautiful shade that blooms all summer and is surprisingly easy to grow. This shade of flower has large, green leaves with silver veins. These blooms are very fragrant and resemble the smell of a warm, spicy sauna. This flower is also quite drought-tolerant and can grow in even the hottest climates.


Siberian bugloss is a perennial herb that forms clumps and spreads by creeping rhizomes. Its heart-shaped leaves are dark green and grow to eight inches long. The small blue flowers bloom on stems that grow up to 18 inches high. The flowers last for about six weeks, and the foliage is attractive all summer.

Fern-leaf Bleeding Heart

Fern-leaf Bleeding heart is a perennial that blooms all summer in shaded areas. Fern-leaf Bleeding hearts can be propagated by cuttings or division. Divide plants in early spring or fall before the foliage dies back. Plants will germinate and grow best when planted in moist soil. After the first year, divide the plants and transplant them into a new location.

Fern-leaf Bleeding heart requires about 1 inch of water a week. You can plant this perennial in a container with other thirsty plants. Always mark the planting site to avoid digging up the dormant parts. It is also important to water the plant even when the soil is dry. This will keep its roots hydrated.

Yellow Fumitory

If you want to plant a colorful flower bed in your garden but don’t have the time to give your flowers a lot of attention, consider planting perennials for shade. These perennials are hardy, require little maintenance, and have interesting blooms that last through the summer. Some of these plants are also deer resistant.


Impatiens are a shade-tolerant perennial that blooms all summer long. They make wonderful short bedding plants in borders and do well in hanging baskets. Keep an eye out for downy mildew, which can reduce bloom and vigor.

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